How To Rename Internet Explorer To Your Name

Here is a simple trick which u can show off to your friends and others that having a browser in your name itself. I am going to discuss a trick about how to rename the Microsoft Internet Explorer Browser to your name or any other name as u wish when u open it. When we open a Internet Explorer we can see Microsoft Internet Explorer after the site name we opened.

Here is the step by step procedure to Rename
1. Open Start –> Run and type regedit and press Enter to open registry Editor.
2. Then Locate HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main
3. Create a new String called Window Title on the right hand side.
4. Then Enter any name in the Data Value as u wish. For instance I have Entered my name in the Data Value.

Now u can see that Instead of Microsoft Internet Explorer my name is displayed.

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